Certain nationalities must obtain a Thai Police Clearance Certificate, as required by the Ministry of Education and Bangkok Immigration Office, to apply for an ED Visa. We will provide the necessary documents and book your appointment on the day of registration.

Please check if your country is listed below:

Middle East

1. Armenia 2. Azerbaijan 3. Bahrain
4. Cyprus 5. Egypt 6. Georgia
7. Iran 8. Iraq 9. Israel
10. Jordan 11. Kuwait 12. Lebanon
13. Oman 14. Palestine 15. Qatar
16. Saudi Arabia 17. Syria 18. Turkey
19. UAE 20. Yemen


1. Afghanistan 2. Bangladesh 3. Bhutan
4. China 5. India 6. Maldives
7. Nepal 8. North Korea 9. Pakistan
10. Sri Lanka


1. Algeria 2. Angola 3. Benin
4. Botswana 5. Burkina Faso 6. Burundi
7. Cabo Verde (Cape Verde) 8. Cameroon 9. Central African Republic
10. Chad 11. Comoros 12. Democratic Republic of the Congo
13. Djibouti 14. Egypt 15. Equatorial Guinea
16. Eritrea 17. Eswatini (Swaziland) 18. Ethiopia
19. Gabon 20. Gambia 21. Ghana
22. Guinea 23. Guinea-Bissau 24. Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire)
25. Kenya 26. Lesotho 27. Liberia
28. Libya 29. Madagascar 30. Malawi
31. Mali 32. Mauritania 33. Mauritius
34. Morocco 35. Mozambique 36. Namibia
37. Niger 38. Nigeria 39. Rwanda
40. São Tomé and Príncipe 41. Senegal 42. Seychelles
43. Sierra Leone 44. Somalia 45. South Africa
46. South Sudan 47. Sudan 48. Tanzania
49. Togo 50. Tunisia 51. Uganda
52. Zambia 53. Zimbabwe  

**Additionally, some of the nationalities listed above may also be required to submit additional documents. Please check 10 lists for the specific requirements.**