Refund and Cancellation Policy

  • Please note that the Ministry of Education (MOE) will issue your visa letter once and you are only allowed to apply for your Education Visa within 2 months upon its issuance. If you can’t apply on time and it expired, then refund won’t be possible. However, you may still study with us without the Education Visa.
  • We will only refund your tuition fee (not including other fees) if your ED Visa application at the Thai Embassy or Consulate outside of Thailand gets denied provided that you show a proof of denial.
  • The applicants’ payment is non-refundable in any case once payment has been made.
  • The applicants’ payment is non-transferrable to other applicants.
  • Refund will not be given to students who missed any lesson/class.
  • Refund will not be given to students who got their Education (ED) Visas cut by the Immigration or Ministry of Education.
  • Refund will only be released to the applicant. Releasing the money to another person or transferring the money to an account other than the applicant is only allowable when he or she provides a signed authorization form together with an ID or a passport copy of the receiver.
  • If the reason for rejection is because of your long history of stay in Thailand, we will only refund 25% of the full tuition fee.
  • Please note that refunds are processed in a timely manner, we won’t be able to return your money straight away, appointment is required.
  • Documents Fee, Textbook Fee, and Photo Printing Fee are non-refundable.
  • Once you paid, your course application is only valid for 2 years. If you lost contact with us for more than 2 years, your application will be null and void. You must re-enroll to study as a new student again.
  • Sandee Language School reserves the right to review and potentially withdraw an application or visa if a student posts inappropriate or baseless comments about the school. In such cases, refunds may not be provided.

Please make sure that you have read and understood our Refund and Cancellation Policy before paying the fees. As a school, we try to assist you in obtaining the ED Visa the best way we can which means that in the event your circumstances has changed, then we will not refund the fees paid.

Based on experience, there are certain countries that the Thai Embassy/Consular Offices are much stricter in which even with complete school and personal documents they still deny the visa application. In this case if the applicant would still like to try their luck even if we already informed them of the outcome, then we would be willing to do so. However, in the event that the visa application is rejected, we will only refund half of the full tuition fee payment to the applicant.


Refund and Cancellation Policy

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